Broadcom nic , HP T5740
Barry R Cisna
2014-05-02 22:00:18 UTC
Hello All,

Just wanted to post up,after about 3 new installs of LTSP server/client
chroot,things seem to be working well. I am not sure at all why the
first two installs seemed so slow in regards to client booting times?

Wanted to mention that even with the latest EL6 kernel there is a
problem with some of the Broadcom nics "stack trace",,,stopping while
booting up. For example the HP T5730's would boot fine but the HP T5740
would stop at a "stack trace". Doing some research it seems the later
has a slightly different setup in the firmware. Seen some suggestions of
installing the kmod-tg3 latest 3.1.33rpm from the elrepo repository.
Sure enough this did fix the stack trace" problem at boot,and seems to
be working fine.

Only caveat is both the HP T5730 and the HP T5740 when doing a
reboot/shutdown hangs at "shutting down ethx" and never does go past
this. The HP T5730 that would boot without the added on tg3 driver
would also hang with the native tg3 driver that is in the latest EL6

